They both have found new homes!These 2 gorgeous babies are available! Bentley is a tri Male, he is full of energy and loves to explore! He is cleared for CCDE,EFS and DM. He is marked very nice and is quite handsome! Bailey is our blen female, she is a sweetheart, little more quiet, and loves to snuggle!! She is cleared on CCDE,EFS and a carrier for DM. They were born March 12-2019 and can go to their new homes May 7th! They have been raised here with our family and very well loved and socialized! We have both parents,they have wonderful personalities! Dad has champion bloodlines, is a clear and is OFA’D. Mom is OFA’D. Both parents have their heart and eyes cleared by our vet. Both puppies will come with full akc papers,uptodate on shots,worming, vet check and 1yr genetic health guarantee. Bentley is three thousand, Bailey is twenty two hundred.
The lastest addition to our family
Hershey Kate Min schnauzer
Hershey is the sweetest most loving girl! She loves to please and is such a joy!! She is a Amazing mom to her babies!! She is a liver and so pretty!!
Dixie Min schnauzer female
Dixie is my girls dog and their baby! She is very loyal and dedicated! She lives in the house with us. She is a AWESOME mom and takes the best care of her pups! She is a salt/pepper party. She weighs around 15pds.
Troy Min schnauzer male
Troy is a lover!! He never has met someone he dont want to kiss! He is my house pet. He loves to socialize!! He weighs 22pds.
Spring babies!
I have some of the most adorable min schnauzer pups right now that will be ready for their new homes May 17 19. I will be posting alot of photos and Information in the next week! Stay tuned! Dixie,Hershey and Troy are the proud parents. Dixie has 6 and Hershey has 5!
Daisys pups Golden Retreiver
This cuties are looking for their new furever family’s! These cuties were born Nov 9th 18 and are the sweetest!! Please contact me for more information and pics!!
Angels babies Samoyed akc
These sweethearts are growing like little weeds and are the most precious babies you have ever seen!! Contact for more information on them!
- Cowboy has found his new home!